Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oh Indy..............

Ok yes, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited about the SATC movie coming out. I have all the seasons on DVD, and yep, I’ve been watching them to make sure I am adequately prepared. I’ve been a fan since it began…..but… much as I am looking forward to this movie I have to admit, I am just as excited about Indiana Jones!!!

Call me crazy, but something about Indy just ‘does it’ for me. It could be his slight sarcasm and ruggedness, it could be his thirst for adventure, or maybe it’s just that quirky smirk, but…I get it. I‘m also excited because this is a movie I can share with my son. Again, I have the movies at home (on VHS though) and we watched the first one together so that he could understand my excitement at the upcoming release. He was riveted at the consistent action, he understood the humour, he was as mesmerized as I was.

The Indiana movies are not about sex or war or violence. They don’t have an abundance of swearing. They are about action, adventure, and mystery. Maybe I’m being old fashioned, but I appreciate this kind of good, clean, exciting entertainment once in a while. Makes you kind of wish there was more of it…. So May 22nd just can’t come fast enough for me!

(photo courtesy of


Anonymous said...

Oooooooooooh Indy is right lady. *says in sexy voice* Hey Harrison Ford ...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. LOVE that picture. Just made me sigh and wish I had a man for a second. : )

Tracy said...

it just made me drool...a little....